Saturday, May 11, 2013

“Man is the only kind of varmit that sets his own trap, baits it and then steps in it.”-John Steinbeck

Day 4:  “Man is the only kind of varmit that sets his own trap, baits it and then steps in it.”-John Steinbeck
      430am? Ok, but only because there was coffee. Instant coffee. We woke up today before the sun. But to see the sun rise in the bird tower was worth the hike up that uphill trail and getting ready with nothing but a flashlight.  It was a gorgeous view and so very peaceful.  After breakfast, we went out to set Sherman traps to catch small mammals. Turns out, peanut butter is not just for humans as we used that to bait the traps. And without fail, Michelle and I squealed every time we baited one and it would shut on our finger…Man is the only kind of varmit that sets his own trap, baits it and then steps in it.”-John Steinbeck. The purpose of the Sherman traps is to check  population dynamics. Turns out, the population in our plot wasn’t too dynamic as we didn’t catch anything the first couple tries. Well, other than the cockroach that I conveniently ignored. More importantly, we learned that the directions on the compass might mean that you have to actually go off the trail.

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