Sunday, May 12, 2013

Size does matter

May 3, 2013

So today we went to visit the Mayan ruins of Caracol. It was quite amazing at how BIG these monuments were. As Boris said, bigger monuments were made to intimidate others around the area. So size does matter. I'm going to make an assumption that Mayans had rock hard thighs from climbing those humongous steps. Raphael and Boris talked about how mayans conserve the purity of the race by forming communities, something I can relate to as many vietnamese families stress that their children must marry a vietnamese significant other, which I find ridiculous since we live in the largest melting pot in the world. Mayans had a wealthy middle class which I find very interesting as to how they were able to spread the wealth. After Caracol, we came back to camp and had some free time. We decided to make the most of our time and explore the saffron trail. We were assigned the timid and humble guide, Pedro. He took us out and showed us the water vines. He cut up a vine and we all took a hit from this water vine. It was enlightening to taste how pure this water was. He also showed us the spice vine, which helps with diabetes and cholesterol. Then once again at the end of the day we all meet at the green row of chairs. It's a great spot for everyone to reflect back on the day or just talk about random topics. It was our stoop, our watering hole, our conference room, or our barber shop. It became our spot.

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